St. James Cheese Company

The bovine in profile on the sign outside doesn't not belie steaks within, but instead the cultured bounty of cows' udders. Tucked away on a small strip of shops and restraunts on pryatania St. James Cheese Company provides a bounty of choice for those residents of the Crescent City besotten with fromage. Not an expert on all the intricacies of cheese? The staff is helpful, knowledgeable and eager to lend a hand. Also available for purchase are a selection of fancy pants groceries, chocolates, and delicious cured meats. For those not inclined to cook at home, some of the best sandwiches in the city are made here, the ham and brie on baguette being my favorite.
Next Destination » Central Grocery Muffaletta

Curator Crystal Beasley
Crystal is a designer who wanted to test gaming theory in the real world. So she created a Kickstarter project and raised $1,600 to build a pie cart. She baked her Granny's favorite pie recipes, and sold the slices after games of roshambo. Her next mission is to revolutionize the way women's jeans are made and sold at Qcut.
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